Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1st to last to not at all.

Remember you were the one? Remember being the first? First in mind. First to hear. Distance erases the memories. Even the good one's...better left in the past. A yearn for interaction. Hopes and wants relegated to words on a screen...context lost in tech. Nuance and tone hidden. Beep. There...you matter. Words like air. Thoughts like pollution. You're not there and they're not here. Another month passes. Another wall forms. Ready. Alone.

Monday, January 25, 2010

A lil something...or something little?

A certain something? Or something certain? What is it about a long hot shower on a cold, miserable day that gets one (well myself anyway) so introspective? Actually most showers I take I find myself asking the deeper questions or reviewing past mistakes/successes. Does the cascading water block the external allowing for the internal? Does being naked and exposed factor in? The cleaning of one's body causing the soul to stir...looking for it's cleansing perhaps? Ponder. ponder.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Testing...Testing. This is my inaugural attempt at exorcising thoughts, ideas, ponderings, and in(s)anities from my cerebral maelstrom. I hope this blog serves it's purpose well. If you're reading this know you're delving into a very selfish endeavor. Personal? A bit, but it's the internet so I'll keep a guard on full release. Damaging, ruining, or general intimacies will remain in the lock-and-key brain chest. The Self, ID, and Superego are welcome but will be kept in check.